Mixing Things Up!

Mann Mondays - Enjoying the little things in life! Writing Tuesdays - Tips and tricks for writing your own book! Adventure Wednesdays - Join me on my adventure in finding an agent and getting published! Birthmother Thursdays - Learning about being a birthmother! Feature Fridays - Other blogs, articles, websites, and ideas not from me! My Saturdays - What else is going on in this Mann's world! Sunday Quotes - My favorite quotes or quotes from readers who have submitted for Sunday's Blog!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Follow Up... I Want Your Opinion!!!

Thank You for your comments and the emails I also received.  It's hard to put yourself out there and share your opinion, never knowing who you are going to offend or what sort of reaction you'll receive.  Most of the response I received from my simple wandering were emails from people who wished to voice their opinions but didn't wish to be publicized.  I'm spoiled I get to read everything!  I love it!  Thank you for writing and thank you to those who publicly commented as well!

The majority of the response that I received were okay with celebrity adoption but also emphasized that the child should have a mom and a dad.  I'm not judging I am just relaying information :)  

My personal opinion on celebrity adoption, I'm okay with it as long as it is entered into with the right intentions.  I'd be a hypocrite if I tried to pretend to be comfortable with single women who adopt, the #1 reason I gave up my child is because I deeply believe that children are entitled to be born within the bonds of matrimony.  That doesn't just mean a man and woman decide to adopt together, that means a man and woman who are married decide to adopt and for noble reasons.  I could provide everything but a father/husband.  

I understand on levels the point that couples like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are making by trying not to emphasize marriage, but I think they're trying to make the wrong point.  Facts are, children feel more secure and have less stress in their lives when their parents are married.  It's harder for one parent to leave when they're married, although, that is quickly becoming easier (but that is a different subject for a different time).  

Another point that was brought up in some of the comments I received were about money.  Whether it's a single person or a couple adopting a child, money somehow has become a factor.  Some people think that the more money you have means that makes you more qualified to raise a child.  I completely disagree.  The Beatles had it right when they said "Money Can't Buy Me Love".  If I thought that my own personal qualifications to be a good mother and my own ability to love and care for a child were relevant then I would still have Frog Mann with me today and I would of deprived his parents of growing their family.  That was the first thing I had to determine when making my choice on how to proceed.  I had to take my own needs and wants out of the equation.  The decision wasn't about me, it was about Frog Mann.

Now, a lot of people may not be aware that Jamie Lee Curtis and her husband have adopted two children.  There are a lot of rumors about why they chose to adopt, but what it comes down to is that Jamie Lee Curtis and her husband tried to have children and just were unable.  She and her husband didn't splash the adoption across the tabloids or reveal their children's pictures on the covers of magazines.  They instead protected their children's identities.  I love that!  

If I could pick one responsibility to put above the rest for adults when it comes to kids, I would pick PROTECTION.  If every adult decided to protect all kids, then there would be a lot less pain in this world, so many more children wouldn't be robbed of their childhood, and those children would grow up into happier adults.  

My next post is going to be a part of a letter I found that I had written to Marsh (sperm donor).....  Keep those comments coming and thank you for engaging my curiosity!

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