Mixing Things Up!

Mann Mondays - Enjoying the little things in life! Writing Tuesdays - Tips and tricks for writing your own book! Adventure Wednesdays - Join me on my adventure in finding an agent and getting published! Birthmother Thursdays - Learning about being a birthmother! Feature Fridays - Other blogs, articles, websites, and ideas not from me! My Saturdays - What else is going on in this Mann's world! Sunday Quotes - My favorite quotes or quotes from readers who have submitted for Sunday's Blog!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Unsent Letters Part #5 - The Conclusion... Finally :)

I wanted to get this done tonight so that I could start a new topic tomorrow.  So much is going on with my book right now and progress being had and I'm stuck in the middle of this long whiney letter.  Here we go!

Love isn't criticizing, it's non-judgmental and patient and understanding that maybe you don't know what it is exactly they are going through.  But you try and you take a deep interest in each others lives.  You help when needed.  Never pushing but guiding.  Love is an action, not a feeling.  You can love whomever you want.  I forgot too, but I still tried, I still wanted it for both of us.  That's all anybody ever wants... to be loved.

That's all I ever wanted from you.

The End!

This whole letter cracks me up.  There were a lot of really scary and dramatic events I went through with Marsh.  I guess we all feel like we're in our own personal soap opera every once in a while.  Of course, I haven't even revealed the most dramatic events I went through with Marsh.  I'm embarrassed to say that I spent a lot of time curled up in a ball, crying in a corner, behind a locked door.... Usually with him banging on the door to let him in.  

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