Mixing Things Up!

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Unsent Letters Part #3

I'm writing the next section of this extremely long letter tonight because I have early morning practice :)  

"So this is the old Bekah telling you "Shame on you".  I am the most capable person you know.  If I want to do something, I Will!  And there is no one on this earth that can tell me I can't.

I have wonderful dreams and in a way I should thank you.  I've always wanted to write a book, but never quite had the right topic.  But, I can have it all.  When I get into one place I can start my own studio with the money I've made BY MYSELF.  (apparently he also challenged my ability to take care of myself as well.  I will give him this... Until I got pregnant I wasn't a shining example of how a person should take care of themselves.  I didn't care.) I've discovered that I don't have to limit myself to one profession.  I can be as many things as I want.

So!  You can shove your accusations that I can't take care of a child down your throat.  You and your family are the most selfish people I have ever met.  (now this isn't true, to a point, obviously I'm extremely venting here and most likely this section of the letter is the reason I never sent it)  It's never about anyone else, but you.  You hate your job, you hate your mom, you hate your dog, you hate computers, you hate snow, you hate sugar, you hate Disneyland (this should of been the fact that made me run.  you single girls out there, it's never a good sign when a man hates the happiest place on earth) Nothing positive, all negative.  Nothing real, all fake.

You want to be friends?  I was the only person in your realm that you wouldn't do anything for.  If someone needed help with their car, needed someone to listen to them, needed a babysitter, needed you to work in the yard, give advice to, or needed a hug... You'd do it.  But, not me.  You only wanted the good, not the bad.  Well that's not what a friend is.

to be continued....  what's your definition of a friend?  

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