Mixing Things Up!

Mann Mondays - Enjoying the little things in life! Writing Tuesdays - Tips and tricks for writing your own book! Adventure Wednesdays - Join me on my adventure in finding an agent and getting published! Birthmother Thursdays - Learning about being a birthmother! Feature Fridays - Other blogs, articles, websites, and ideas not from me! My Saturdays - What else is going on in this Mann's world! Sunday Quotes - My favorite quotes or quotes from readers who have submitted for Sunday's Blog!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's your definition of a friend?

I asked this question on my blog and on my facebook pages and I wanted to get the chance to post some of the responses I received.

J wrote "someone who stands with you thru everything, cares enough to say the hard things, but loves you enough to never judge you.

K wrote "Someone who loves you the way you are, no matter what!"

B wrote "I told my daughter: Friends are people who have things in common and who support each other.  When you have an acquaintance who spends a lot of time trying to control you, that person isn't looking for friendship.  They are looking for power."

H wrote "friends are people who buy you toblerone"

R wrote “Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.”

V wrote "Friend's are God's way of apologizing to us for our families"

K wrote "A friend is a hand that is always holding yours, no matter how close or far apart you may be."

Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Thank You!

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